
Founded in 1985, the Missing Children’s Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist parents in the search for their missing child, and to educate the public in order to decrease the occurrence of children disappearing.

Our objectives are
  • To support and counsel families whose child has either been abducted by a stranger or family member or whose youth has run away from home;
  • To collaborate with law enforcement and government agencies in order to locate and recover missing children and return them safe and sound to their families;
  • To aid in preventing the abduction, aggression and exploitation of children and youth;

To sensitize and educate the public about children’s personal safety and the prevention of their disappearances.


The Missing Children’s Network works proactively with families, law enforcement, social-service agencies and other community organizations to assist families in crisis. Our Case Managers provide a support network for child victims and their families and offer assistance with reunification, counselling, referrals, support and crisis intervention services.

The Missing Children’s Network is a recognized partner of the National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains (NCMPUR) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The organization also works closely with Missingkids.ca in providing case management support to francophone families outside of Quebec.

Our Values