An important mandate of the Missing Children’s Network is to sensitize and educate the public about children’s personal safety. Every year, the organization marks the following occasions:
Safer Internet Day
In February of each year, Safer Internet Day is organized by Insafe to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world.
Missing Children’s Month
In 1986, the Solicitor General of Canada proclaimed May 25th as National Missing Children’s Day. Over the years, the Missing Children’s Network has adopted the month of May not only to raise awareness about the plight of missing children in Quebec but also to inform parents about what they can do in order to better protect their children both in the real world and on-line.
Runaway Prevention Month
With over 5,000 cases of runaways reported to police, the Missing Children’s Network decreed November to be Runaway Prevention Month. Every year, the organization dedicates this month to raising awareness about the plight of runaway youth in our province and provides families and educators with resources and tools in order to decrease the occurrence of youth running away from home or a group home.