Report a Missing Child

Missing Child's Information


Child’s Full Name

  at time of dissappearance

Porté disparu de


Description of the Child


Information on the Parents or Legal Guardians


In the Case of Parental Abduction


Other Organizations Involved

(If yes, please answer the following question)


Information Regarding the Disappearance

Please provide details describing the circumstances which led to your child’s disappearance. In the case of a runaway explain the reason(s) why you believe your child ran away.

Please include

  1. Two recent photos of your child(ren)
  2. A recent photo of the abductor (if applicable)
  3. Copies of any press coverage

950 Beaumont, suite 103
Montréal (Québec) H3N 1V5
Telephone: 514-843-4333
Fax: 514-843-8211
Toll Free: 1 833-632-4673


The Missing Children’s Network

Consent and Release Form

By my signature below, I authorize the Missing Children's Network and its authorized agents to assist in the search for the following missing child(ren)


as the custodial parent or legal guardian of:

I authorize the Missing Children’s Network to use photographs of the missing child(ren) along with details concerning the disappearance and search for them. The Missing Children’s Network may use the photographs and details on local and national television, newspapers, flyers, posters, magazines, electronic billboard systems, the Internet, or other distribution sources.

I have given and will continue to provide complete and accurate information to the Missing Children’s Network about my missing child(ren). I consent to the investigation and confirmation by the Missing Children’s Network of all the information that I have given or will give to assist in the recovery of my missing child(ren).

This registration form cannot be shared with any organization, group, individual or institution without the written consent of the Missing Children’s Network. The name “the Missing Children’s Network” and its corporate logo cannot be used on any visuals or documentation without the express written consent of the organization.

I agree to release the Missing Children’s Network, its directors, employees, volunteers and all other affiliated child search organizations from all liability claims, and causes of actions which may result or arise from the release of photographs and details concerning my missing child(ren).

I agree to contact the Missing Children’s Network at 514.843.4333 or 1 833-632-4673 within 12 hours of the location of my missing child(ren).

In order to facilitate the search for my missing child(en), I agree that the Missing Children’s Network may receive information from the following organizations:

If the Missing Children's Network is made aware of any credible information that indicates that I am responsible for any abuse against my child(ren) whom I am seeking and/or the restraining parent, I understand that the Missing Children's Network has the right to refuse to provide assistance or to terminate its involvement with my case.

I understand that the search notices and flyers created and sanctioned by the Missing Children's Network cannot be altered or defaced in any way. Failure to comply may result in the automatic termination of the Missing Children's Network’s services.

I hereby declare that all the information I have submitted is accurate.