During the press conference that we held to launch our new prevention program SHINE, we also proudly introduced our dynamic Youth Ambassador, Ludivine Reding, a young and talented actress who is currently starring in the lead role of the hit television series Fugueuse.
“My goal is to sensitize youth about the reality of running away and prevent them from falling victim to acts of aggression or exploitation.” announced Ludivine. Her role in the television series has made her understand the dangers of running away, and especially the ease and speed used by predators to exploit young boys and girls.
Ludivine Reding is convinced that as Youth Ambassador for the prevention programs she can help young people, such as Fanny, the role she plays in the hit series. “It’s not just a role, it’s something that can make a difference and have an impact on today’s youth.” she said.
“We tend to blame families, we blame the victims. We must stop doing so. You have to blame the manipulators, the predators, the customers. […] the exploitation of young girl persists because of them. ”
Ludivine chose to partner with The Missing Children’s Network in order to take action and become a part of this important prevention operation across the province of Quebec.
We are very happy to welcome Ludivine and look forward to all the possibilities that our newly formed partnership will bring!