Yes, it’s time to dust off your golf clubs and tee-off “fore” our kids! We are pleased to invite you to the Missing Children’s Network’s 15h Annual Golf Classic that will be held at the prestigious Hillsdale Country & Golf Club, on Monday, August 29, 2022.

We are delighted to announce that due to the popularity of our Golf Classic, we are expanding the tournament! Yes, we will be playing on both the Laurentian and Woodside courses! This year, we expect 288 avid golfers to enjoy a memorable day filled with sumptuous food, great networking opportunities, friendly contests and surprises throughout the entire day.

Once again, for the safety of all our golfers, volunteers and vendors, we will ensure that all sanitary measures will we enforced during the day.

You can help us ensure that dozens of families receive crisis intervention services when their child goes missing, and also contribute to protecting the lives of thousands of children in Quebec, by joining us as a sponsor or golfer of this year’s 15th Annual Golf Classic. For more information or to register for the event, please click on the following link:

On behalf of all the families and children who depend on our services, we would like to warmly thank each and every one of you for standing staunchly by our side as we continue to work to find missing children, support afflicted families, reduce child exploitation and prevent victimization.

We couldn’t do our vital work without YOU!

Golf Classic Organizing Committee