Prevention Program for Students in Grades 5, 6 and Secondary 1

SHINE (Self-esteem, Healthy relationships, Independence, No means no, Empowerment) aims to prevent sexual exploitation and is addressed to youth aged 10 to 13. The workshops deal with assertiveness, independence, setting boundaries, sex gender stereotypes, and the importance of developing healthy and egalitarian relationships with others.

The creation of this bilingual and province-wide program was made possible thanks to a major grant, as well as the participation of key stakeholders and experts in the field of sexual exploitation of youth.

Our ultimate goal is to significantly reduce the number of children and youth that fall victim to sexual exploitation in Quebec.

For more information, please contact our offices at 514 843-4333 or by email:

I think this workshop would benefit all students in Grades 5 and 6, all over Quebec!

Mountainview Elementary School