Donation Programs
Your financial gifts help the Missing Children’s Network provide quality services to families and professionals across the province. The Network does not benefit from any government subsidies and relies entirely upon your help to continue its relentless efforts to bring missing children safely home.
You can give with confidence to the Missing Children’s Network! The organization protects the privacy and confidentiality of its donors and does not sell its mailing lists to other organizations or associations.
Une équipe de professionnels engagée à ramener les enfants disparus et exploités à la maison
Le Réseau Enfants-Retour travaille de près avec les familles, les forces de l’ordre, les agences de services sociaux et d’autres organisations communautaires pour aider les familles en crise. Notre équipe de professionnels expérimentés offre un imposant réseau de soutien aux enfants victimes et à leurs familles, et un accompagnement en matière de réunification, de conseils, de références, de soutien et d’intervention.
Saviez-vous que l’année dernière au Québec, 5 805 enfants ont été portés disparus aux autorités policières? Ces enfants ont disparu de la maison pour diverses raisons… Ils ont peut-être fugué après une vive dispute avec leurs parents ou ont été séduits par un prédateur en ligne. Certains peuvent même avoir été emmenés à l’étranger par un membre de leur famille ou enlevés par une personne inconnue de l’enfant.
Quelle que soit la raison derrière la disparition d’un enfant, la vie des familles est complètement bouleversée et les minutes se transforment en heures alors qu’elles cherchent désespérément à ramener leur enfant à la maison en toute sécurité. Le meilleur espoir d’un enfant porté disparu pour un retour en toute sécurité se trouve dans une action immédiate, coordonnée et ciblée, un rôle que le Réseau Enfants-Retour assume avec passion, détermination et conviction depuis 1985.
Heroes’ Circle – Monthly Giving Program
Join the “Heroes’ Circle” monthly giving program and make regular monthly donations to the Missing Children’s Network through your credit card. The constant source of funds helps us to continue providing quality services to families and children everywhere!
In-Memoriam Tribute Program
We cherish the fond memories of family and friends who have passed away. An In-Memory gift to the Missing Children’s Network not only expresses your love for that special person in your life, but enables the Network to continue its quest to bring missing children safely home.
All gifts will be acknowledged with a card to the next of kin, as well as the person making the donation. Please note that you will receive a tax receipt and we will never disclose the value of your gift.
Tribute Donations
The Missing Children’s Network’s Tribute Program gives you the opportunity to mark a special occasion such as a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary or the birth of a child. It may also be in recognition of a family member or friend or just because you care about a special person in your life.
The honoree will receive a card acknowledging that a donation was made in their honour. In return, the donor will receive a tax receipt before the taxation deadline for the current year. Please note that the value of your gift will never be disclosed.
Planned Giving
The generous support of our caring friends and supporters plays an instrumental role in ensuring that the Missing Children’s Network’s Family Assistance programs have a solid future in the province. You can make a gift for a safer and better tomorrow for our children.
Here are a few options that are open to you:
- Gifts of securities (shares, saving bonds, etc.);
- Gifts of life insurance (donation of policy, death benefit, etc.);
- Bequests
If you are interested in any one of the above options we ask that you consult your financial planner or notary to assist you in choosing the right one for you.
You can also contact us at 514 843-4333 or for further details.
Employee Giving and Corporate Matching Program
Inquire today about your company’s giving program! If your company conducts an employee giving campaign, you may be able to select the Missing Children’s Network to receive a contribution through a payroll deduction.
Many corporations also have programs that will add or match donations made by their employees to a charitable organization. Please make sure that our humanitarian efforts are fully supported at your workplace. You can make a difference in the life of a missing child!